Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Party Hat & New Tag Blanket

I have decided to add these 32X32 Tag Blankets to my collection! I am sometimes amazed at how easy some of these things whip out for me. I know this is an EASY blanket!! I hadn't done them in the past because I didn't find any excitement in making them, and I thought they would take more time than they where worth. But I was wrong!!

I am one who values my time because I have little of it to do what I love. I have to pick projects that I can get done when the boys are napping and projects that I can do quickly. I won't take time away from the boys so I am careful at what projects I decide to take on! And this one was worth it! There are so many more on my list I eventually want to get to....in due time friends!

I am going to call these Tag Blankets after the boys, well mainly Logan. He has always called his blankets Tag. Not sure why or where it came from, but it is just known in our house that if you want a blanket you ask for a Tag! Because of my boys, I found joy in making something so simple and beautiful, and what some kids will keep for a lifetime!

Another party hat completed!! I just love making these party hats.....they are all so different and look so different when completed. I would have to say this is one of my favorites.

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